August, and summer, are upon us once more, and Les finds himself musing on the extraordinary, changeable weather of the English countryside in this month’s Mendip Times column!
Les looks into the various manifestations of that great English pastime – predicting the weather, both by serious and not-quite-so-serious means, taking in folklore and etymology on the way. We also revel in the joys of cloudwatching, and Les tips his cap to Brigadier John Hemsley, OBE, outgoing chair of the Royal Bath & West Environmental Youth Award scheme.
To read Les’s column, click on the image below to go to the Mendip Times website. The best way is to view the magazine on PDF – go to the option ‘the magazine’ on their menu and then click to download the latest copy of the Mendip Times. Les’ column is on page 56 of the July edition:
You can also download this and previous columns at our archive page.