Year: 2017

Les Lends His Support to Successful Surviving Winter Campaign 2017/18

Les is delighted to endorse the Somerset Community Foundation’s Surviving Winter appeal this year! Surviving Winter began in 2010 right here in Somerset. They were contacted by one of our donors who offered to give his Winter Fuel Payment to

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Mendip Times – September 2017

This article originally appeared in the September 2017 edition of The Mendip Times My fears of a scorching hot summer, with out of control wild fires now seems a little far fetched. On the continent however the story seems to

Posted in Mendip Times, News

Mendip Times – August 2017

This article was originally published in the August 2017 edition of The Mendip Times. The weather now is very much like it was 1977, although the memory may have dulled a little from 40 years ago, I remember the repeat

Posted in Mendip Times, News

Mendip Times – July 2017

This article was originally published in the July 2017 edition of the Mendip Times What isn’t there to like about the weather we are having at the moment! After my comments on the weather in last month’s column, I am

Posted in Mendip Times, News

Mendip Times – June 2017

This article was originally published in the June edition of the Mendip Times. We are almost half way through the year! Just like the bath water disappearing down the plug hole, this year seems to be going rather quickly. My

Posted in Mendip Times, News

Mendip Times – May 2017

This column was originally published in the May 2017 of the Mendip Times. It is as if everything green in the countryside is being pulled upwards, with spring really beginning to make itself known. How wonderful to be at this

Posted in Mendip Times, News

Mendip Times – April 2017

This was originally published in the April 2017 issue of the Mendip Times. Yes….!!! Looking at my diary, I see that British Summer Time begins on Sunday 26 March. How long have I waited for this, and how many others

Posted in Mendip Times, News

‘The President’s Talk ‘- The Mendip Society – Thursday 20th April

To mark becoming President of The Mendip Society, Les will be giving his autobiographic talk “To Follow the Plough”  this Thursday (April 20th) at St James’ Church Hall, Winscombe. It’s the story of the North Somerset farm workers’ family into

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A West Countryman’s View – Wassailing on Radio 2

Life will often come up with surprises, sometimes nice, sometimes not so nice. My life is no exception and recently I picked up a ‘challenge’ that was just too good to miss. Having done an interview for BBC Radio Bristol

Posted in News, West Countryman's View

Mendip Times – February 2017

This column originally appeared in the February 2017 issue of Mendip Times ————————- Can there be a wetter month than February? Yes… possibly July with the way our weather patterns are changing. We should however be grateful that within this

Posted in Mendip Times, News

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